About Parts Unknown Press

Welcome to Parts Unknown Press, home to all things professional wrestling! This section here will hopefully fill you in on everything that you need to know about this here website.

What is Parts Unknown Press?

Parts Unknown Press is a website first started in 2020 which, obviously, creates content focused on professional wrestling. The team here at Parts Unknown Press create a variety of different content, from reports from recent wrestling shows, regular columns about the world of wrestling and long-form content about the history of professional wrestling. We talk about professional wrestling from all over the world on this website, giving everything the respect it deserves.

Who writes for Parts Unknown Press?

The Parts Unknown Press team is made up of a variety of writers, who all come from different backgrounds. We all have our own interests, likes and dislikes, both in professional wrestling and beyond. We take pride in being able to represent various voices as best as we can. For more details on our regular writing team, look at the Parts Unknown Press Team section.

Can I write for Parts Unknown Press?

At the moment, Parts Unknown Press isn’t accepting applications for writers and is only open to people close to the team or invited to the website. The reason for this is, until the website is in a position to pay people for their work on a consistent basis, we don’t wish to take on any writers. If we do have any writing opportunities available, on-going or one off, we will keep you posted on our social media channels.

Parts Unknown Press Team