Milk’s Picks: Top 50 matches of April 2021 [50-41]

This month has had a really really large number of good, great & fantastic matches. But since I’m a psychopath I watched as much wrestling as humanly possible this month and came up with a top 50 list!

This will hopefully be a monthly series so if there’s ever matches you think I should check out feel free to tweet me @thebigmilkman77 on twitter!

50) KTB vs Rich Swann [Violence X Suffering: Lucid Dreams]

This match had everything I like in wrestling. Flippy boy doing flippy boy shit & Big boy doing big boy shit. These 2 worked so well together and I’d love to see them run it back with more eyes on it.

49) Jake Crist vs. Lucky 13 vs. Neil Diamond Cutter vs. Gary Jay vs. Shane Mercer [No Peace Underground Murdermania]

This was the definition of a fuckfest in the best possible way. Gary Jay & Lucky 13 continue to reassure me that they are my favorite wrestlers going today & Shane Mercer looked like a fucking monster. Jake Crist had some nice showings & Neill Diamond Cutter took a lot of bumps and made everyone look like a million dollars. Couldn’t ask for much more in this match.

48) Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn [WrestleMania Night 2]

This match meant a lot to me as not only did I grow up watching Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens matches on YouTube they are also from my home province. This match could have gone longer and could have involved a lot less Logan Paul but they delivered with what was give to them.

47) Matt Cardona vs Brian Myers [Impact Rebellion]

This match shocked the hell out of me. If it wasn’t for the unfortunate injury at the end this probably would have been top 20’s at least. Cardona & Myers worked their asses off to put on an amazing match for everyone and Y’all need to go out of your way to see it.

46) MV Young vs. Robert Martyr [Unsanctioned Pro Fueled By Spite]

This may be a bit of cheating since the match itself only went about 4 minutes but it made me want to check out more of this dude I’ve never heard of before the weekend. That man being Martyr. Absolutely keeping my eyes out for him from now on.

45) Calvin Tankman vs Dragon Bane [Acid Cup Day 2]

This is your classic Big powerhouse vs flippy boy that I love to see. Dragon Bane is one of those wrestlers that just stole the weekend in my eyes & Tankman looked like a goddamn badass after every match of his. I’d love to see these 2 run it back when it’s not a million degrees outside.

44) Ashton Starr & Jared Evans vs. AC Mack & MV Young vs. Erica Leigh & The Boar vs. The Kings Of The District (Eel O’Neal & Jordan Blade) [IWTV Family Reunion part 2!]

This match had a lot of action and some of my favorite people on the independents today! This was only the second match I’ve seen of Kings of the District but I think I’m in love with them. Erica Leigh always rules & I liked Boar. Ashton Starr & Jared Evans showed up to fight & AC Mack & MV Young were fantastic. Couldn’t recommend this one enough

43) Willow Nightingale vs. Brooke Valentine [GCW Allie Kat’s Real Hot Girl Shit]

This was another one of those “I know nothing about this person but they blew me away” performances. I love Willow and always have. But Brooke Valentine showed the fuck up that night. I love this match and I highly recommend everyone else watch this.

42) Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart (c) vs. The Way (Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell) [NXT Takerover Stand & Deliver Night 2]

This match was awesome. A perfect way to kick off the show and had me from nearly passing out to being wide awake by the end of it. I could see these two wrestle at least once a month and I probably would never get sick of it.

41) Rob Killjoy vs. The Whisper vs. Billie Starkz vs. Freddie Hudson vs. Zach Thomas vs. Ron Bass Jr. vs. Yoya

This as the perfect way to open a show like this, I came in this match being a big fan of Billie, The Whisper & Yoya but left this match falling in love with Ron Bass Jr. This ran head to head with Wrestlemania’s rainstorm promos so this was the perfect thing to watch while that mess was happening.