Vulcan Championship Wrestling TV Deal


Vulcan Championship Wrestling, a New South Wales based wrestling promotion ran by former Australian Gladiator Vulcan (who was trained to wrestle by Boris and Dean Malenko) will be airing on NITV on Saturday December 18th at 6PM AEDT. Vulcan Championship Wrestling combines Pro Wrestling Action with hip hop music.

NITV is National Indigenous Television, a free-to-air Australian TV Network which specialises in programming presented by or featuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In terms of professional wrestling content, NITV has previously aired wrestling mockumentary “The Tour: Blunder Down Under” in 2015 and Mana Mamau, a show showcasing the New Zealand wrestling scene back in 2012.

VCW have not ran a show since June, so I can only presume that what airs will be made up of stuff they have previously recorded since starting in 2018, in a similar fashion to how OCW and BCW aired content on Channel 31.


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Buddy Matthews vs Mitch Waterman on a poster that reads "MCW The House Always Wins"

MCW The House Always Wins Review

This weekend Melbourne City Wrestling ran their first event of 2023: MCW The House Always Wins! A night of wrestling action and… a lot of stuff? This is MCW’s first event since MCW 12 in November. The first thing I noticed watching this show is that the audio is significantly improved from MCW 12. Last show, the music overpowered the crowd and commentary. Crowd & commentary audio it was recorded in a Pringles can. The whole thing aspired to GCW level. Thank fuck that was fixed this time around. How is the show beyond the audio? Read on and find out!

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