Jesse’s Random Wrestling Reviews: MLW Underground 29*, January 30th, 2004

MLW UNDERGROUNDJANUARY 30 2004 (TAPED JANUARY 9 & 10.)ORLANDO, FLA.AIRED ON SUNSHINE NETWORK (RE-AIRED ON YOUTUBE)REPORT BY JESSE DAVIS, PARTS UNKNOWN PRESS Commentators: Eric Gargiulo *Editors note: It should be noted that this originally aired in 2004 as Episode 3 of Season 2. It has since been re-aired as Episode 29 on YouTube (uploaded June […]

FMW-E Independence Day Review

FMW-E INDEPENDENCE DAYJULY 4 2021YOKOHAMA, JAPANAIRED ON ZAIKO.IOREPORT BY REALDEALJRH, PARTS UNKNOWN PRESS What better a way to kickoff a wrestling show than 20 minutes of stalling? Well that’s what we got here on FMW-E Independence Day! During that time we saw the OBS window. We saw shit get adjusted and tested. Hell, we even […]

Milk’s Picks: 20 matches you should look out for this week!

There is so much wrestling this week. There was so much wrestling last week. There’s probably so much wrestling next week and that can be overwhelming when trying to decide what to watch. So I decided to rank the 20 matches I’m most looking forward too this week and if any of these sound as […]