Bonjour! This is week 8 of my hopefully long term series Wrestlers of the Week, Where I will be very bias every week and use these biases to decide who the best wrestler of the Cody Rhodes era
The Rules are simple
– The evaluation period start and ends on Monday every week (in 2007)
– The higher you rank the more points you get
– You must have won a match this week to be considered for the list.
–Tag teams are typically bunched together unless one is significantly more notable than the other
– The time period is 15 years ago to the day.
People who show up on this list spread across 11different shows and they will be ranked on my personal enjoyment of the match (70%) and the significance of their victories (30%).
Just a reminder our current top 10 is
1) El Generico 18
2) Takeshi Morishima 17
3) Yuji Nagata 16
4) Takashi Sasaki 15
5) Bryan Danielson & Kurt Angle 13
7) KENTA, Taiji Ishimori, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Claudio Castangnoli, Kyoko Kimura, Aja Kong, Jaki Numazawa & Kevin Steen 10
Honorable mentions!
Big Daddy V (ECW)
The Olsen Twins (Colin Olsen & Jimmy Olsen) (Chikara)
Now lets get onto the list!
10) Cody Rhodes (RAW)

Cody Rhodes earned a spot on this weeks list by the sheer fact that this was probably the weakest week of the entire series so far. Cody Rhodes had an okay I guess match with Charlie Haas on Raw where he picked up one of his first victories of his TV career.
Total Points: 1 (76th place)
9) Claudio Castagnoli (Chikara)

Claudio Castagnoli earned a spot on this weeks list by having a fun match against Pac on Chikara this week. A fun back and fourth match that surly would have put him higher on this list if he didn’t have a DQ loss to Akira Raijin on the night before. Still a respectable 2 points for Claudio
Total Points: 12 (9th Place)
8) Ricochet (Chikara)

Ricochet is on the list for pretty much the same reason as Claudio, Having a fun match against Pac. A nice display of what these wrestlers would move on to become these 2 went bac on fourth for about 8 minutes before Ricochet would pick p the win, Ricochet would then go on to actually lose to Chuck Taylor in a match that would cost Ricochet his Chikara career and we will never ever ever see him in Chikara again.
Total Points: 3 (64th place)
7) Shayne Hawke (Chikara)

Shayne Hawke earned a spot on this week list by continuing his small win streak he has going in Chikara by not only defeating Jigsaw but also defeating Lince Dorado and seemingly joining Kings of Wrestling and challenging The Luchadores to a Cibernetico match coming up! 2 wins and a significant moment gets Shayne 4 points this week!
Total Points: 5 (49th place)
6) Abyss (TNA)

Abyss earned a spot on this weeks list by retaining his #1 containership for the TNA Championship by defeating Christian Cage in a first blood match to earn the right to wrestle Kurt Angle at the upcoming TNA PPV
Total Points: 9 (19th Place)
5) Eddie Kingston (Chikara)

Eddie Kingston earned a spot on this weeks list by defeating Brute Issei at this weeks Chikara show in a very fun hard hitting matchup. Also cut a great promo building towards his inevitable encounter with Hallowicked.
Total Points: 12 (9th Place)
4) Brodie Lee (Chikara)

Brodie Lee earned a spot on this weeks list by first being on the winning end of a 6 man tag match along with the Olsen twins against the Colony but then had a super hard hitting match with Tim Donst that made Brodie look like a star.
Total Points: 7 (36th Place)
3) Kevin Steen (IWS)

Kevin Steen earned his spot on this list by being the sole survivor in the main event of IWS’s war game style Elimination tag match. Overcoming people like 2.0, Brick Crawford, Jake Matthews & a buffed up Pierre Carl Ouellet in a fun 25 minute match.
Total Points: 18 (1st Place)
2) Chavo Guerrero (Smackdown)

Chavo Guerrero earned a spot on this weeks list by having a great 4 minute match with Shannon Moore on Smackdown while building up his Summerslam match with Rey Mysterio and came out looking like a badass.
Total Points: 16 (4th place)
1) Super Smash Bros (IWS)

Super Smash Bros earned their spot in this weeks list by defeating Up In Smoke on the IWS show in by far the best tag match of the week. Uno & Stupefied showed very early signs of how talented they would become in the future!
Total Points: 10 (11th place)