RickyMeats is a bitchass motherfucker


Here are the top 10 reasons I hate Rickymeats

10) He sucks

9) He’s not as cool as Ron Bass Jr

8) He sends me unconsentual feet

7) I like the number 7

6) He clapped cheeks in crocs

5) he brings up #6 at least 13 times a day

4) He’s my east favorite commentator from Heavy Metal Wresting

3) He just advertised a show to me like 10 seconds ago and that was rude

2) He’s slightly better than IvanFireJay but that’s not saying much

1) I bet he’s bad at Mario Kart


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Buddy Matthews vs Mitch Waterman on a poster that reads "MCW The House Always Wins"

MCW The House Always Wins Review

This weekend Melbourne City Wrestling ran their first event of 2023: MCW The House Always Wins! A night of wrestling action and… a lot of stuff? This is MCW’s first event since MCW 12 in November. The first thing I noticed watching this show is that the audio is significantly improved from MCW 12. Last show, the music overpowered the crowd and commentary. Crowd & commentary audio it was recorded in a Pringles can. The whole thing aspired to GCW level. Thank fuck that was fixed this time around. How is the show beyond the audio? Read on and find out!

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